This website is managed by Shimodozono Co., Ltd.
We understand it the most important subject in management to protect our customer's personal information, therefore we
strictly follow the policy below.
Handling personal information
We collect customer's personal information in limitation of necessity. Collected information is utilized at minimum items
with approvals in advance, never to be distributed or disclosed to any third party without approvals.
We may disclose the information in condition of necessity to protect customer's capital and safety, only when the
information release is legally appropriate, e.g. a damage caused by fraud and protection against crime.
Collection/deletion of the information submitted in our site is done promptly upon customer's request, except the case we
cannot specify individual customer such as access logs information.
Collection of access information
The site may use cookies and tracking technology to obtain access information. The information is utilized only to
improve our services and not based on the purposes to specify customer's personal information.